Staff and Board of Directors

Meet the Billings Symphony staff and board members!
Administrative Staff
Mario Lopez
John W. & Carol L.H. Green
Chief Executive Officer
Brad Constantine
Chief Operating Officer
Sandy Cantesano
Manager of Development & Events
Amanda Linford
Manager of Marketing & Communications
Samantha Inez
Youth Programs Manager
Chandra Shaw
Executive & Administrative Assistant
Kate Bauer-Peters
Finance Assistant
Artistic Staff
Anne Harrigan
Vincent W. & Janet M. Carpenter
Music Director
Dr. Steven Hart
Chorale Director
Sponsored by Thorm & Jean Forseth
Matthew Glover
Director of Artistic Operations
Lisa Bollman
Orchestra Librarian & Guest Artist Liaison
Robin Aalseth
Chorale Librarian
Board of Directors
Margit Thorndal
Scott Brown
Vice President
Liz Fulton
Elizabeth Goetz
Leslie Blair
Past President
Ashley Miller
Betty Roy
Bob Merchant
Candy Holzer
Christine Maragos
Devin Wertman
Eric Hodgson, Chorale Representative
Julie Johnson, Orchestra Representative
Karen Freeman
Kurt Hanson
Lynn Marquardt
Mark Fenderson, Orchestra Representative
Mary Jane Endicott, Chorale Representative
Pam Avery, BSYO Representative
Pete Habein
Steve Restad
Tom Hohn