
Big Sky Sounds
Enriching Lives Through Music
Posts Tagged ‘Classic Series’
Nothing compares to Handel’s Messiah
Billings Symphony Orchestra and Chorale Presents Handel’s Messiah, a Christmas Tradition Handel’s Messiah is a fixture of the holiday season that is as inspiring today as it was when it…
More...World premiere of ‘American Veteran: A Story Without Words’ to showcase Billings Veterans
When Photographer Marcus “Doc” Cravens makes a portrait, he asks his subject to tell him a story. He’s developed an eye for emotion, and when the moment is right, he…
More...Montana Composer Ilse-Mari Lee to honor veterans through music
When Ilse-Mari Lee sits down to write, she wastes little time. Ilse-Mari Lee is a composer, concert cellist and Dean of the Montana State University (MSU) Honors College. Her latest…
More...Global talent Chee-Yun (and her 345 year-old violin) to perform in Billings Oct. 15
There’s a reason why the only violin concerto Jean Sibelius wrote is still celebrated almost 120 years after its final draft. It’s exquisite, intense, and complex, written by a composer…
More...Montana debut of Jennifer Higdon’s ‘Cold Mountain Suite’ featured in Billings Symphony’s American Kaleidoscope
When Pulitzer Prize winning composer Jennifer Higdon set out to write her first opera, she considered more than 100 stories and books before her gaze landed on the book “Cold…
More...Renowned pianist Kevin Cole joins Billings Symphony to perform Gershwin classic ‘Rhapsody in Blue’
It has been said that it’s impossible to play Gershwin’s Rapsody in Blue well, unless you love it. If that’s true, the love abounds when Kevin Cole is at the…
More...Devotee of Russian composers Wei Luo to perform in Billings
When Wei Luo takes her seat at the piano to perform Sergei Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 3, she’ll be well acquainted with the “devilishly difficult” piece of music. The first…